The Culture of Great Hearts Christian Academies

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Faculty, Staff, and Student expectations for relationships and comportment on campus are governed by our Christian ethos.  There are four pillars of relationship in a Christian academy: Modesty, Chastity, Right Speech, Honor.

This foundational relational intent directs how the teachers and students relate to one another. The academy develops one culture led by the faculty and into which the students are invited. In the teachers lies the authority of leadership and the responsibility to model all expressions of Christian character. Students are works in progress and are to be encouraged to grow in the character exemplified in the faculty.  There are high expectations for student discipline, but directions are given in a spirit of love, and discipline and corrections administered with the Christian understanding of atonement, forgiveness, and the further development of moral reasoning and character.

The academy encourages every one of its members to resist gossip, slander, negative humor, coarse language, and angry speech. Positively, it encourages the Pauline charge to outdo one another in honoring each other. A high premium, in other words, is placed on speaking to each other with the eyes of faith, recognizing the presence of Christ in each member of the community, and praising what is genuinely good.