Hot Lunch Program at Great Hearts Christian Academies – Maryvale
Miracle Catering LLC has been contracted to provide school lunches for Great Heart students. We are committed to providing quality, tasty, and well-balanced meals and customer service aligned with Great Hearts Christian Academies – Maryvale’s high values and reputation.
Lunch Pricing for the 2024-2025 school year:
• Kinder – First Grade = $4.50
• Second – Third Grade = $5.50
• Fourth – Eighth Grade = $6.50
If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, reach out to
Payment Options/Payment Policy:
Elementary: There is a prepaid option. This includes adding money to your student(s) lunch account. Your options to add money to your child(s) account are:
• You can call and make a payment over the phone at (623) 800-6735
• Send cash in a sealed envelope with your student(s) name on it addressed to Miracle Catering. Hand delivering to the front office administration.
• Fill out our Credit Card Authorization form and email it to
• Statements will be emailed weekly. This will show your student(s) meals received that week and your account balance.
• Any canceled or returned payments will include a $20 returned fee in addition to the invoice amount.
• We do not utilize any school portal/system to receive lunch account payments.
• Sometimes, statements end up in the junk folder. Please check your junk folder periodically for emails from Miracle Catering.
• Students who cannot purchase a hot meal will be offered a supplemental meal, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Thank you for entrusting Miracle Catering, LLC with your child’s nutrition.
Andrea Abeyta
Chief Operating Officer Miracle Catering, LLC
Work Cell: (623) 800-6735